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When it comes to diamond drilling, productivity and efficiency is key. Fast and accurate drilling is our sole outcome because we want to be on and off site as quickly as possible, allowing the rest of the job to progress quickly and effectively. The longer it takes to drill the holes required, the longer the project is delayed. 
In this blog we’re going to look at ways we can improve productivity in diamond drilling, ensuring we don’t become a bottleneck to project delivery. 
Improve the penetration of the bit 
There are a number of factors that can impact the penetration rate of the drill bit. These include ensuring you select the right bit for the job, which comes first from understanding the material you’re about to drill into. Additional factors include ensuring a consistent water supply and a fast enough rotation speed from the drill. The weight on the bit is also important because it’ll help to penetrate the surface more effectively. 
These individual factors are important, but when combined they dramatically improve your diamond drilling productivity. 
Buy high quality equipment… and look after it 
The saying goes that a bad workman always blames his tools, so make sure this isn’t a factor by picking up the best quality equipment you can afford. It’s important that if you want to deliver a great service you need to have the right equipment – nothing looks more amateur than not having the right tools for the job. 
Great equipment isn’t enough though – you have to look after it too. Your drill and bits will be working hard, so make sure they’re cleaned regularly and anything you need servicing has been serviced. 
Plan your jobs and get your tools ready 
When you arrive at the site, spend the first few minutes fully familiarising yourself with the task at hand. Understand the site, the job, the materials you’ll be working with and get your tools and equipment ready. A few minutes at the start of the job getting organised will ensure you do a better, faster job for the customer. 
By making sure you’re set up and ready to go from the start, you’ll save a lot of wasted time going back and forth to bring over new tools that you’ve forgotten in the first place. This one simple task will make you a far more effective and efficient worker, ensuring you’re not left with any surprises or needing anything you haven’t brought to site. 
Learn from experience 
Diamond drilling is a game of experience – the more you do, the more you’ll learn. Make mental notes on your work, how different bits behave on different materials and the like. When you come across a similar scenario in future you’ll remember how you dealt with it the time before, making you better and faster at your job. 
For all of your diamond drilling needs, contact us at Diamond Drilling UK Ltd. We’re happy to help you. 
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